Hi, I’m Stu!

My work is driven by a deep curiosity about how people grow, how knowledge is shared, and how thoughtful evaluation can drive meaningful change.

Whether designing enterprise-wide learning initiatives, leading community-driven projects, or facilitating knowledge-sharing across teams, I focus on ensuring systems work for the people who rely on them.

What I do

Process Analyst

Process analysis is my jam! Optimizing processes by breaking them down into steps, understanding their impact, and recommending changes that improve performance, reduce costs, and enhance overall effectiveness. Everything from Time & Motion Study to User Flows.

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UX/CX Practitioner

Product management from business case to success measures. I have managed mission critical products in a Fortune 500 business with close to a half a million employees. Consensus building, measurement and process efficiency are my strengths.

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Learning Design

I have spent time as an instructor of adult learning and UX certification course as well as an instructional design consultant in the corporate world. I have considerable experience in UX, Agile and ADDIE methodology.

Product Manager

Twenty years of evaluating the usability, functionality, and overall experience of products and services from the user's perspective. Including researching perceptions and emotions the customer has during their interactions with a process across all touchpoints, both digital and physical.

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Multimedia Design and Content Creator

With many years of expertise in audio and video production I bring a versatile set of skills to every challenge I take on. I have crafted thousands of hours of video content, produced three podcasts and written and produced over 100 pieces of original music. I bring expertise in the Adobe Suite of products with an emphasis on Photo Shop, Premier, Media Encoder and Audition as well as music production tools like Cubase. You will also find me working with AI platforms and tools such as Open AI, Mid Journey and Touch Designer.

From the Portfolio

Just a few of my clients